Hatball-Is Hat-BaLL a copy version similar to the red-ball-4 game? - Gamikro

Is Hat-BaLL a copy version similar to the red-ball-4 game? :

Quick answer: NO.

The hat-ball is inspired by the old nokia-phone game red-BaLL.
A more important point: The hat ball is a cheerful and smiling character. Red-Ball-4 is an angry and sullen character.

Private answer : Our new-red-ball game was published 6 months before the red-ball-4 game. This can be seen from the Apple-store records. Since the name registration process was not possible in Turkiye in 2014, we could not get the name right at that time. The red-ball "redball.com" web page is owned by an international company. The domain name is still used by that company.

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